King Charles III rejects calls to return Prince Alemayehu 's remains to Ethiopia
May 22, 2023 (GSN) - Buckingham Palace has declined a request to return the remains of an Ethiopian prince who came to be buried at Windsor Castle in the 19th Century.
May 22, 2023 (GSN) - Buckingham Palace has declined a request to return the remains of an Ethiopian prince who came to be buried at Windsor Castle in the 19th Century.
May 07, 2023 (GSN) - In the back row of a class photograph taken at Rugby School in 1876, you can spot just one person of colour, peering out shyly from behind one of his more confident teenaged classmates.
April 28, 2023 (GSN) - When the 2019 Sudan uprisings against long-time dictator Omar al-Bashir created a military-civilian transitional government, the Sudanese hoped that their country would transition to democratic rule.