Abobo, March 06, 2014 (GSN) - Source from Gambella official told Gambella Star News that, Abobo town electric power and water services running in full capacity and most residents are satisfied.
Modern Electricity power
Electricity is an integral utility in modern society, with links to everything from a human's subconscious fear of the dark to the practical need for working illumination in an industrialized world. The entire world essentially runs on electricity, in one form or another, and while combustibles are essential at the present time. Electricity is not only ingrained in modern life, it is also critical for its continued existence, medical treatments that are commonplace today, would be extremely risky if not impossible, without modern power and lighting. Lighting alone is the backbone of civilization, paving the way for extended work capabilities, development and comfortable living. extends to the smallest and seemingly insignificant aspects of the average citizen, from mobile communications to the ability to cook indoors.
Importance of Clean Freshwater
Water is necessary for the survival of most living things. In fact, dehydration the lack of water will kill an organism faster than starvation the lack of food. Since the plants and animals that many humans and other animals eat also depend upon water, a lack of it could lead to starvation as well as dehydration. In addition to sustaining life, clean freshwater is needed by humans for personal hygiene, irrigation, industry, and recreation.
To many Gambellans, Abobo woreda represents the truest, most enduring part of the State’s identity, calling to mind images of hard-working families, rolling fertile farmland and cornfields for local and regional economy.
Abobo is among the woredas that make up the Midwest zone (Anyuak Zone) of the Gambella state. Collectively, the Midwest is known as Gambella’s Heartland because of the prominent part its farms and manufacturing play in the Gambella economy. It is the commercial and agriculture capital of Gambella state.
Abobo is one of the 12 woredas in the Gambella Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Anyuak Zone, Abobo is bordered on the southwest by the Mezhenger Zone, on the south by Gog, on the southwest by Jor, on the west by the Administrative Zone 3, on the northwest by Itang, on the north by Gambella, and on the east by the Oromia Region; part of its northern boundary is defined by the Alwero River. The major town in Abobo is Abobo.
The terrain of Abobo is dominated by comparatively high ground extending on a southeast-northwest axis; the elevations range 400 – 600 meters above sea level. Major bodies of water in this woreda include Alwero River. According to the Atlas of the Ethiopian Rural Economy published by the Central Statistical Agency (CSA), around 20% of the woreda is forest. A notable landmark is the Gambella National Park, which occupies the land west of the Fugnido - Gambella road.
The economy of Abobo is predominantly agricultural. Estimated road density is reported to be between 5.1 and 10 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers.
At the start of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Abobo was part of the Administrative Zone 2; however between 2001 and 2007 the Zone was reorganized and this woreda became part of the Anyuak Zone.
The effective infrastructural development carried out in the recently established communal villages in Gambella State is reportedly attracting more people.